Frequently Asked Questions

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have further enquiries besides our FAQs below.

Why is Amazon vital to my brand's overall success?
A recent study showed that 55% of product searches start on This is why it’s so important that your brand is represented the way you want it to be represented on Amazon. An increasing number of potential customers do their product research on Amazon first. Are you happy the way your brand is being represented?
Will we be able to easily communicate with you?
Yes, when you are a partner with us, you will have direct access to our accounts manager who will be happy to take your call and/or respond to email correspondence in a timely and professional manner.
Can you only help with Amazon-related issues?
No, our expertise allows us to help your brand well beyond the Amazon marketplace. Our ability to provide professional product images and write copy that sells is applicable to any online marketplace. Not only that, but our ability to increase your brand exposure and optimize your online brand presentation also influences brick & mortar sales as more and more physical store shoppers look at products online first.
What is working with you like?
Imagine being at a trade show and another vendor asks you, “So, how are things going on Amazon?” When you work with us, your response to that question is “Amazing! We have a retail partner who has taken over everything for us and we have seen phenomenal growth. The best part, we don’t have to know or do anything with Amazon; they do it all and we have seen sales rise both online and in brick & mortar.”
What do you charge for your services?
Plans are per workspace, not per account. You can upgrade one workspace, and still have any number of free workspaces.
What separates you from other online retailers?
Imagine being at a trade show and another vendor asks you, “So, how are things going on Amazon?” When you work with us, your response to that question is “Amazing! We have a retail partner who has taken over everything for us and we have seen phenomenal growth. The best part, we don’t have to know or do anything with Amazon; they do it all and we have seen sales rise both online and in brick & mortar.”

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